This section provides guidelines and examples to help you adapt pre-existing screening policies and response procedures to ensure that they encompass both labor and sex trafficking, attend to the unique needs of human trafficking survivors, and take into consideration potential legal ramifications. This section could also be used as a template to create new policies and procedures.
Each document includes notes on where to fill in blanks as well as yellow highlights where you can hover over the text to get tips on tailoring the content to your health facility. This section could also be used as a template to create new policies and procedures. These materials are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
Case Studies Spotlight on Human Trafficking in America

Labor Trafficking
Sara was a Chinese national, recruited in China for a job in the United States. When she arrived, her captor confiscated her passport and visa and forced her to work as a servant. She was not paid and could not leave the house. Her captors frequently beat her and threatened to report her to law enforcement should she try to leave. Her captors were eventually charged and convicted with illegally harboring Sara, and a third captor pled guilty to labor trafficking.
* Individual’s name has been changed for their protection